- 2024/2025:
- Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles (TD) L3 MATH, Paris Dauphine PSL
- Algèbre linéaire (Cours/TD) L1 MATH, Paris Dauphine PSL
- Projet CPES-L3 “Introduction aux EDP de la théorie cinétique”, Paris Dauphine PSL
Don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any question on my teaching activities.
1st term 2023/2024: Reading group with the team of Michele Coti Zelati - Statistical mechanics and fluid flows
2nd semester 2022/2023: Supervision of a student in maths for “Project Research Laboratory” (Bachelor Program 2ndYear), working on the Study and construction of self-similar objects
1st semester 2022/2023 : Small classes - Topology and multivariable calculus MAA202 - Bachelor Program 2ndYear (course taught by Annalaura Stingo)
2nd semester 2021/2022 : Tutoring - Functional Analysis MAT452 - X2A Engineer students (course taught by Frank Pacard)
1st semester 2021/2022 : Small classes - Topology and multivariable calculus MAA202 - Bachelor Program 2ndYear (course taught by Anne-Sophie de Suzonni)
2nd semester 2020/2021 : Tutoring - Functional Analysis MAT452 - X2A Engineer students - (course taught by Bertrand Remy)
1st semester 2020/2021 : Small classes - Introduction to analysis MAA102 - Bachelor Program 1stYear (course taught by Frank Pacard)
2019-2020: Oral interrogations in mathematics in ‘Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles’ (Lycée Saint Louis - Paris)